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Calcific Tendonitis Management in Ottawa

shockwave wand on elbowCalcific tendonitis is a condition where certain muscular tendons develop the formation of calcium crystals within. It is often found within the rotator cuff tendons but can also happen in other regions.

The exact cause of this problem is up for debate, but it seems to be associated with other conditions such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, or having a history of kidney stones [1].

Calcific tendonitis typically presents with pain, often described as a pinching sensation with certain movements. It is often diagnosed with X-rays which can identify the calcification depending on the size.

Taking a Team Approach

Our team of therapists can assess the shoulder and identify some of the more common types of “impingement” like conditions. Management of this condition is often tricky during the initial stages because the response to treatment may be relatively slow until the calcification is identified.

At Ottawa Health: Performance and Rehabilitation, we have a team of physical therapists and our medical nurse practitioner who can assist with referring for ultrasound, X-ray, or MRI if warranted.

How Shockwave Therapy May Help

Shockwave therapy is a modern modality that can help break down and improve the impingement-like sensations developed from calcific tendonitis. We are equipped with the best shockwave device available and the only FDA-approved one available for this purpose.

The device delivers shockwaves from compressed air with a moving projectile within the applicator to stimulate metabolic reactions within your tissues.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can aggravate calcific tendonitis?

Certain activities that require repetitive use of the affected joint, such as throwing or lifting heavy objects, can aggravate this condition. Additionally, poor posture or improper form while performing these activities may also contribute to worsening symptoms.

What are some things I can do at home to help with calcific tendonitis?

Applying heat to the affected area for 15-20 minutes several times a day may provide relief. You can also perform gentle stretches and exercises to improve your range of motion. Rest assured that our team will provide you with all the necessary instructions for you to do at home!

Book an Appointment

If you’ve been told you have calcific tendonitis, we want to help you heal. Call today to schedule an appointment.


1Harvie, P., Pollard, T. C., & Carr, A. J. (2007). Calcific tendinitis: natural history and association with endocrine disorders. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, 16(2), 169-173.

Calcific Tendonitis Management in Alta Vista, Ottawa ON | (613) 728-9414